How to use a Wheat Warmer Safely Instructions

How To Use A Wheat Warmer Safely

Our wheat warmers can give you many hours of relief from aches and pains caused by a wide variety of injuries and ailments. It is important to remember that wheat warmers can become dangerous and precautions must be taken - your safety is our priority!

Following an incident reported to us by one of our customers involving wheat warmer catching fire in the microwave, we felt it was important to publish wheat warmer safety blog. We aim to address the common mistakes made when using wheat warmers and instructions on how to use them safely. Although it has not happened before, we want to make sure that it absolutely does not happen again!

How does a wheat warmer work?

Wheat Warmer | Wheat Warmer Safety | Blue Badge Co
Wheat warmers can be cooled in the freezer or more commonly heated in the microwave and then applied to the body. They have been proven to be an excellent method of natural pain relief. Whether hot or cold, the natural movements of the grains settle on the shapes of the body making them comfortable and easy to use. 

Heating your wheat bag safely

  • Double-check that the turntable in the microwave is rotating properly
  • Make sure the timer on the microwave is set to the guidelines and do not leave unattended
  • Make sure there is no residue in the microwave that will attach to the product
  • Only heat using a domestic microwave (max 100 watts)
  • Do not use a wheat bag if there is evidence of discolouration or charring
  • Look out for any signs of overheating such as a burning smell, or smoke. Should this occur remove the product from the microwave with a non-combustible implement and immerse in cold water
  • Do not re-heat the product until it has completely cooled
  • After three uses of the wheat warmer, it is advised to add a small container with water into the microwave during the heating process
  • DO NOT use a wheat bag if there is evidence of discolouration or charring

Using your wheat bag safely

  • Always test how warm the wheat warmer is before use, especially if to be used by the young or elderly
  • It is advised to not use your wheat bag as a bed warmer
  • Place the Lavender Wheat Warmer on any part of the body (not near open wounds or sensitive skin) for a quick soothing relief

Blue Badge Co Tips

  • Always follow instructions on the packaging
  • Contact the supplier if you have any doubts regarding the product
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