Pretty Good Project | Reviewing Beautiful, Inclusive Design Products
Where innovation and inclusive design meets aesthetic satisfaction.
Life is better when we surround ourselves with beautiful things that aid and assist us in everyday life. Functional can be beautiful, practical can be pretty. The Pretty Good Project seeks out new, inclusive design products which fit this bill. The Pretty Good Project are a group of discerning individuals with an eye for great and inclusive design. Participants thoroughly scrutinize the products through formal (and not so formal!) testing sessions. They test for usability, durability, inclusivity of design as well as aesthetic and tactile satifaction. The Pretty Good Project is a social enterprise established in 2016 by 'Laura'.
"Ease and elegance in everyday things makes life a little bit nicer for everyone."
Like us, the Pretty Good Project believe that practical can also be beautiful. Products for medical and independent living in particular need to be rescued from being too utilitarian in design. These objects are usually kept close to the user and are carried every day. We want them to represent the person, the design should take into account the users personalities.

We're pleased to say that we fit into the the Project's definition of 'Pretty' and 'Good' and our
Lap Trays have been featured in one of their review posts: The Pretty Good Project is a reliable source of carefully thought out gadgets made to meet the needs of people with varying abilities. They search high & low for new gems and emerging talent, championing the designers and manufacturers of products with inclusive design.
Inclusive Design
Inclusive design means considering the different needs and abilities of the end users. The British Standards Institute (2005) defines inclusive design as: 'The design of mainstream products and/or services that are accessible to, and usable by, as many people as reasonably possible ... without the need for special adaptation or specialised design.' The proccess involves users throughout the design proccess. Designers take note of what works, how to improve, how people are going to use the product. "We all have different and changing abilities... inclusive design can help everybody at every stage of life." Designing products creatively to take this into account means products have longevity and broader functionality.
Finding Future Products
The team at Pretty Good Project are a dedicated bunch, sometimes travelling far and wide to get their hands on exciting new designs for testing sessions. But it is worth it when they discover gems like this brilliant shower seat and handrail design, OSPI.
CLICK HERE to learn more.

If you're looking for something with fun and function, beauty and benefit, inclusive design and distinction, Pretty Good Project is a great place to find it!
Shop with Pretty Good Project
"We love everything we showcase. We hope that by sharing the benefits and possibilities of inclusive design throughout our lives, more people will consider incorporating it too – whether buying a present, upgrading their kitchen, or designing a public space." Take a look at their online shop to find excellent designs and cutting edge, inclusive technology at its best!
Pretty Good Project Shop Thanks for reading! Best wishes from Blue Badge Co