Spring Cleaning! Five Top Tips & Two Top Products to Help You Get Organised!
Bring the Fresh Feeling of Springtime into Your Home & Start Spring Cleaning!
All around us, plants, trees and flowers are bursting into bud, birds are returning to feather their nests and lambs frolic in the fields! Join in with the rising energy of new life and get on with some Spring Cleaning! We've got some great products and some top-tips to help you!
Two Top Products from our New Range to Help you get Spick & Span this Spring!

1. Memory Board
Our attractive, no-pins Memory Board is an ideal solution to getting organised at home. Tuck your to-do lists, appointment cards, reminders and invitations neatly behind the criss-cross ribbons to keep them in mind as well as keeping them tidy. Each notice board comes ready to hang and is lightly padded with a choice of three stylish fabrics and co-ordinating ribbon.
2. Bean Bag Door Stop
To really get your home feeling fresh and clean, you need to let the spring breeze pass through from time to time! Clear away the cobwebs and freshen up your nooks and crannies, prop open your door with one of our beautiful fabric Door Stops. In a range of beautiful prints, you're sure to find one to brighten your home. Each Door Stop has a handy carry handle for ease of moving from place to place and because it's a beanbag, it won't stub your toes.
5 TOP TIPS For Natural Spring Cleaning Solutions!
1. To make stainless steel sinks sparkle again
Use Bicarbonate of Soda and Vinegar! Stainless steel sinks can get brown and dull over time. Wiping round after washing up and even scrubbing with a scourer doesn't have the desired effect. BUT this cheap and non-toxic combination will!

Put the plugin, sprinkle a tablespoon of bicarbonate of soda to the basin and about 2 tablespoons of vinegar. You now have the cleaning solution made in heaven! Rub this fizzing, grainy paste around your sink, working well into particularly brown areas then rinse with cold water. The results are dazzling! (You may need to increase the quantities or leave for 5 mins before rinsing if you have a really grubby looking sink!) You can buy 500g of bicarbonate of soda in
Wilkos for £1.50. Bicarb and vinegar can also be used for a host of other jobs around the house; blocking drains, removing odours and cleaning your washing machine!
2. The cooker. No-one likes cleaning the cooker!
We're not keen on putting our head into that grimy chamber of burnt on cheese and over-flowed pie filling and scraping away with a spatula. Neither do we like the waft of smoke which fills the kitchen after neglecting to clean up the previous accident. And once we've got round to cleaning, we certainly don't like the awful, chemical smell of oven cleaner, heated up and ready to infuse our dinner! So what to do? Get out the Baking Soda once again! Add a good cup full to a pudding bowl and make a paste with an equal amount, or slightly less vinegar. Spread this all over the oven, especially very grimy areas and leave overnight or for about 6 hours. Get a bowl of hot water and a couple of cloths that you don't mind blackening and wipe off the paste to reveal a squeaky clean oven with no toxic fumes or bad smells!
3. If you're serious about sorting out your home
I heartily recommend following the advice of Marie Kondo, author of bestselling 'The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying'. Whilst her style is sometimes a little peculiar, there is true method in her madness and the results are, literally life-changing! Her basic method is to categorically go through your possessions (starting with clothes, then books, then papers...), handling them one by one, and to ask this question "does it spark joy?" If the answer is "no" it has to go! So simple and so effective. She suggests the process will take around 6 months but you'll NEVER have to do a clearout again. You can buy her book here:
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying
4. Wash Windows With Newspaper & Vinegar
This is the best way I know to get a smear-free finish, it also happens to be cheap and chemical free!

Quarter-fill a bowl or bucket with water and vinegar 2:1. Take a few sheets of newspaper and scrunch into a loose ball. Dip the paper into the water - don't soak it, just get it a bit wet. Apply to the window using circular motions until your windows are squeaky clean and glinting in the Spring sunshine!
5. To get stubborn hair, fluff & general muck up from a short pile rug or carpet.
Do you have a rug that stubbornly holds onto hair & fluff and no matter how often it's hoovered it still looks a bit grubby? This is the answer! Wearing rubber soled shoes, drag one foot across the rug in short, firm movements, pulling towards your other leg. This will bring up the hairs and fluff trapped in the carpet pile and bring the other dust etc with it. If you do this all around the floor, you will create little sausages of fluff that can be easily vacuumed or picked up. Give the rug a final run over with the vac and your floor will look clean at last!